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Information About Our Foundational Assessment

Hello! I'm Dr. Mackenzie Jones, Nurse Practitioner

I help people suffering from vague health symptoms discover the root cause of the imbalances in their bodies, in order to confidently take guided steps to improve their health and achieve breakthroughs.

I'm a licensed family nurse practitioner, combining conventional medicine with evidence-based integrative medicine to create personalized, holistic treatment plans. 

I am looking forward to walking alongside you on the journey to improve your health!


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What Sets Us Apart

Precision Medicine


We use an array of advanced testing to get to the root cause of your symptoms.

This may involve extensive blood work panels, as well as advanced biomarker testing including food sensitivity, microbiome analysis, hormone and neurotransmitter testing, and more to investigate the root cause of your symptoms. 

Regular Appointments 


We know healing best occurs when you know what to expect and have regular appointments with accountability. 

That's why our unique membership program supports you in every way so you can focus on yourself!

Tribal Network 


Healing cannot occur without digging deeper. That is why we include lifestyle & root cause medicine integrated within the program to support you holistically. 

And we don't stop there, we've created a community network & provide community group classes so you have a network for healthy living and the support you need. 

3 Steps To Getting Started

1. Discovery Call  

This phone call with Dr. Jones, Nurse Practitioner, is perfect for you if you have questions about how your specific case would be approached or if you have questions about the practice in general and how it may be different from other experiences you've had in the past. 

This step is optional. No direct medical advice is given at this appointment. 

Schedule A Call

2. Foundational Assessment

This one-time assessment offers an invaluable deep dive consultation where you learn about the unique imbalances that are impacting your symptoms. 

Blood work is ordered prior to this appointment. The results will be interpreted and discussed with you. You will leave with a personalized lifestyle and supplement prescription plan.

The assessment includes a 90 minute appointment with Dr. Jones, Nurse Practitioner. 

This appointment is necessary to establish care at Breakthrough Functional Medicine. 

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3. Ongoing Membership 

This is where the deep work occurs. 

With our 12 month membership, you receive regular appointments with Dr. Jones, Nurse Practitioner.  

You will feel supported as we peel back the layers to the drivers of your symptoms or disease by utilizing a combination of advanced testing while balancing of the mind, body and spirit. 

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Hear What Our Patients Have To Say!

Origins Functional Medicine Is A Membership Based Practice

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We work with you to determine the root cause, rather than just treat your symptoms.


The Functional Medicine model is an individualized, science-based approach that relies on a detailed understanding of each patient’s environmental, biochemical, and lifestyle factors, to create personalized treatment plans. By addressing root cause, rather than symptoms, practitioners may find one condition with many different causes and, likewise, one cause resulting in many different conditions. As a result, Functional Medicine treatment targets the specific manifestations of disease in each individual.

Want to learn more about Functional Medicine?

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